We’re now part of Nactarome, your partner for natural flavour, taste & colour solutions. Learn more


News Aromata

Every time we change the recipe of our food and beverage products to comply with specific regulations or to meet pressing consumer demands, or even to reduce costs, for instance taking out sugar, or fat, or salt, or adding minerals and other nutrients, the organoleptic profile (including mouthfeel) is impacted, and we know what truly matters to consumers, in the end, is that a product tastes good. Moreover, there are rapidly growing product categories such as plant-based foods or high-protein retail foods (e.g. yogurts, cultured milks, ice creams, pasta) where the taste experience at the point of consumption may show some glitches, and we are aware that they may represent a hindrance to win larger shares of consumers.

At AromataGroup, we have been working on taste modulation systems for years and can also rely on the more diverse expertise within the Nactarome Group. We have developed a complete toolbox of flavour modifiers compliant to EC 1334/2008, and top note flavourings, to increase, decrease, or change the perception of specific sensorial characteristics, e.g., reducing metallic off-notes or bitterness, intensify fruitiness, enhance roundness or richness in low-sugar products.

Besides our taste toolbox, our food technologists and application specialists will work closely with our clients to finetune the perfect taste solution combination not only for specific formulations, markets and consumer groups, but also for production processes and specific storage conditions.

Our range includes:
1. Sugar enhancers – natural solutions to enhance sugar and sweetness perception, for multiple sweet, beverage and savoury applications;

2. Fat enhancers – natural and clean label solutions particularly suited for dairy and plant-based alternative applications, they offer a “full-fat taste experience” in low or even fat-free products. When combined with our sugar enhancers, they improve the overall organoleptic parameters of soy-based drinks and yogurts, reducing off-notes, astringency and beaniness;

3. Salt enhancers – salt can be tricky to reduce, as we know it is linked to a chemical perception and no other molecule will have the same effect. However, we can offer a unique salt reduction technology, designed to boost the volatile flavour perception, modulate sharp and metallic notes, whilst at the same time enhancing umami base notes in multiple applications.

4. Alcohol boosters – calorie reduction as well as anti-binge drinking campaigns are the driving factors behind the market success of reduced-no alcohol drinks. At AromataGroup, we have used our heritage and expertise in alcoholic beverages and botanical extraction to develop a range of alcohol boosters to develop no/low alcohol solutions without giving up the distinctive and explosive flavour of the original spirits. You can read more about it here.

If you are interested in receiving samples or to work with us on new developments, please reach out to info@aromatagroup.com

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